Monthly Archives: February 2023

Sunday Afternoon Potpourri: Us and “Them” Edition

I’ve spent the afternoon doing lesson planning, but I thought I’d take a break to get caught up on the blogging end of things. But first… *** Remember the ’50s Big Bug movie Them!, with its tale of giant mutated … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Education, Literature, Music, Pixel-stained Wretchery | 2 Comments

A Blast from My Past, or a Bullet Dodged?

Because I’ve always thrived on standardized tests, I qualified as a National Merit Scholar in my late high school years. As part of that, I was invited to apply for a program sponsored by the Telluride Foundation the summer before … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Education, Politics | 1 Comment

Gulping Down a Bloody Martini

No, I haven’t abandoned my teetotaling ways. Bloody Martini is the new novel from William Kotzwinkle, the second in a series that started with Felonious Monk. Tommy Martini, descended from a family of mobsters in Pennsylvania, was a college athlete … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Faith, Literature | 1 Comment

Cut Me Open; Count the Rings

We’re getting ready to start looking at each other’s work in my creative writing class, and for a run-through, I decided to let them practice on something I wrote around 1985 or ’86, at about the age of 20. (I … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Education, Pixel-stained Wretchery, Why I Do What I Do | Leave a comment

Sunday Afternoon Potpourri: Coronation Edition

No, not that guy in England — nothing against him, but this one’s closer to home. *** A public schoolteacher’s career is like an iceberg; most people never see most of it. Yes, there’s the grading, lesson planning, and assorted … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Education, Family, Music, Pixel-stained Wretchery | Leave a comment

Sunday Afternoon Potpourri: “Too Old to Rock and Roll, Too Young to Die” Edition

I’m in the office, doing a bit of planning for the week’s classes. But of course, that’s always a good incentive to do something else, so here we are. *** I’ve noticed in the past that I seem in many … Continue reading

Posted in Broken Glass Waltzes, Culture, Education, Literature, Music, Pixel-stained Wretchery, Why I Do What I Do | Leave a comment

Counting Blessings

I’ve said before that my sense of humor is so dark it veers into the ultraviolet. As is often the case, I think it’s a counterweight to the fact that I’m a melancholic sort most of the time, with a … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Education, Literature, Pixel-stained Wretchery | 1 Comment