Well, That Was Anticlimactic…

Mrs. M and I got to the surgical center today, a few minutes before our scheduled 6:45 arrival. I signed a few forms and was conducted back to pre-op. We went through my list of meds, and how recently I had taken each of them. “I’ve been following the instructions I got a couple of weeks ago, and at the pre-op physical,” I said.

But it turns out that one of those meds actually is a Very Bad Idea when one is going to be put under anesthesia. (Who knew heroin was such a big deal?) So my knife fight has been postponed until next Thursday, which coincidentally would have been Dad’s 81st birthday. The Spawn and Intended are still coming down — I’ll be able to pick them up at the airport — but now they’ll be here for the surgery itself, rather than the aftermath.

And how are you today?

About profmondo

Dad, husband, mostly free individual, medievalist, writer, and drummer. "Gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche."
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1 Response to Well, That Was Anticlimactic…

  1. bobgusky says:

    So, you’ve got a case of blue knees?

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