Elsewhere in the Courthouse…

My brother’s trial is taking place on the fourth floor of the courthouse, the top floor, so that’s where I spend the bulk of my day. However, the vending machines are on odd-numbered floors, so a few minutes ago I had to head down to the third floor to get a drink. 

Third floor is where family court happens — if you didn’t already know that, you’d be able to guess from the fact that the snack machine sells animal crackers along with the usual array of junk food. And it was also made evident when I made my way back to the elevator. The door slid open, and a roughly seven-year-old girl burst forth as if she had been launched from a trebuchet. A younger boy emerged more slowly, leaving an elderly man and woman to make their own ways out. The woman was in a wheelchair, and was using supplemental oxygen. The man held the elevator door for her as she slowly came into the hallway. Meanwhile, the girl exhorted the others: “Hurry! There’s a man here waiting to get on the elevator!” A born exhorter, that one.

I smiled and said, “It’s OK. What I’m here for still has a way to go yet. I can wait.” By then the elevator was empty, so I boarded and watched them head down the hall until the closing door obscured them from my view.

I don’t know what brought the four of them here this morning; given that it’s family court, I have to guess something unpleasant has happened along the way. Still, I liked the little girl, and I hope that whatever happens today is leading her to something better, and that will help her maintain her enthusiasm for things. And maybe there’ll be some animal crackers along the way.

About profmondo

Dad, husband, mostly free individual, medievalist, writer, and drummer. "Gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche."
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