Oh, No! It’s a Mondoplicity!

I was catching up on my web surfing this afternoon, when a friend and former colleague messaged me on the Book of Faces. She’s a reader of this blog, and follows it via the designated FB page. But this afternoon, the Zuckgorithm offered her a blurb from what appears to be a steampunkish SF cosplay character. . . called Professor Mondo. Professor Herman Aloysius Mondo, to be precise, and he has a Facebook page as well.

Accept No Substitutes!

Now while I do maintain my interest in SF, comics, and such, and while my first published stories were actually in those genres, I figure since I’m on the East Coast and primarily in the crimefic world and blogosphere, and since Prof. H.A. Mondo is based on the West Coast and dwells in the aforementioned SF/cosplay fandom, there’s probably sufficient room for both of us — it’s a good sized continent, after all. However, I have gone ahead and reached out to the fellow. I’ll let you know if anything interesting happens. And to forestall the inevitable question, I’m pretty sure that I’m the evil one, since I have the beard.

As for Prof. Mondo Kagonyera, a Ugandan veterinarian, academic, and politician. . . he’s on his own.

A tip of the Mondo Mortarboard to Dr, Kristi Pope Key, of the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts.

About profmondo

Dad, husband, mostly free individual, medievalist, writer, and drummer. "Gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche."
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1 Response to Oh, No! It’s a Mondoplicity!

  1. You know, “Professor Mondo” does have kind of a steampunkish ring to it. I’m a little jealous.

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