Feeling A Bit Full…

Found a letter in my campus mailbox this morning, informing me that the Mondoville Board of Trustees has approved my promotion from Associate to full Professor of English, effective with the coming Fall semester.

As I told the kids in my Seven Deadlies class this morning, since I have no intention of moving into any sort of administrative role in the remainder of my career, this means that I’m at my ceiling — and that I’ve got nothing to lose for the next twenty-odd years! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA! Coming soon — Pants-free Tuesdays! (I kid — I like my kids too much to scar them like that.)

But one thing I am thinking about this morning was the day Mrs. M, the 15-month-old Spawn, and I moved into married housing at Ball State U in 1998. I had walked away from a six-year career in journalism to chase the Ph.D., and the dream of being Mr. Chips somewhere eventually. The girls were in the apartment, and my dad was standing next to me in the parking lot. “You know,” he said, “This is a pretty gutsy move you’re pulling here.”

“Thanks,” I said. “We’ll see if it pays off.”

I guess it did. I hope Mom and Dad are aware of it.

About profmondo

Dad, husband, mostly free individual, medievalist, writer, and drummer. "Gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche."
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30 Responses to Feeling A Bit Full…

  1. Flavia says:

    Congratulations! You’re now an institution unto yourself.

  2. The Nerd Girl says:

    It wasn’t that long ago I got that same notification, and there’s no feeling like it I’ve ever experienced. To me, the notification I’d made full professor was liberating.

    If anyone ever deserved this promotion, it’s you – not only a friend to me all these years, but an exemplar of how to do this job, and someone who inspires me to do my job that much better (and inspires me to have fun with it, too). Congratulations, and enjoy this achievement.

  3. Jeff says:

    Congrats! A job well done.

  4. Well done, my friend – congratulations!

  5. Hard to top the previous respondents: CONGRATULATIONS, profmondo! May you enjoy your “feeling full” throughout the remainder of your career. Just don’t let your “feelings” get to your head.

    • profmondo says:

      Thanks, and the pride thing is not a problem. I think I’ve told this story before, but hey…

      The Spawn was 5 when I defended my dissertation. The next day, she said something to me, and I jokingly said, “That’s Doctor Daddy to you.”

      Without missing a beat, or even looking up from her toys, she said, “You’re not a real doctor; you’re a bookdoctor.”

  6. Javahead says:

    Congrats, Professor! Now that you have more flexibility, have you considered adding “Horrible Histories” patter songs when appropriate?

  7. Fencing Bear says:

    Woohoo! Many congratulations!

  8. The Ancient says:

    Wonderful news — and richly deserved. Congratulations.

    • profmondo says:

      Thanks, bud — by the way, I don’t know if anyone videoed our performance of “Open Up Your Door” on Saturday, but I thought of you when we added it to the set.

      • The Ancient says:

        That’s funny, because I did go look for it on the Berries site.

        So many iPhones, so little due diligence.

  9. Linda Roberts says:

    “O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” Merit recognised; well done.

  10. nightfly says:

    Belated congratulations, o Book Doctor!

  11. Pingback: Well, That Was Eventful | Professor Mondo

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