Fun Fact: Wasting Away to Enormous

I had a checkup today, and was pleased to discover that I’ve dropped 20 pounds since February. Don’t get me wrong — I’m still far heavier than I should be, but for the first time in about 20 years, I’m under that magical sixth-of-a-ton mark.

I’m 60 pounds and change from the least I’ve weighed in my adult life (ca. 2002), and I bulked up after getting to Mondoville — too many lunches in the cafeteria, where I used to take “all you can eat” as a challenge. But I really ballooned after the murders, and it dawned on me the other day that I’ve dropped at least 130 pounds over the past 10 years, because I was somewhere on the wrong side of 450 when I came back from my brother’s trial in September of 2013.

The weight loss has been… semi-intentional, I guess, a little more intentional of late. I lost a big chunk of weight in the summer of 2016 when I was walking several miles a day on the treadmill, but my knees gave up the ghost not too long after that. In its own way, COVID helped as well, getting me out of the habit of going to the dining hall, a habit I haven’t resumed. And over the summer, I’ve accidentally been practicing intermittent fasting — really, I’ve been sleeping in, and so I only eat lunch and dinner, so basically between about 11:30 a.m. and 6-7 p.m. But if it helps, okay.

As I said, I’m still way too heavy (although at 6’4″ and having a frame like a polar bear’s, people are surprised when they find out my weight — in part because they’re just not used to seeing humans in that size range), and all those years took their toll on my health, from my knees to my blood pressure and cholesterol. But in my own glacial way, I guess I’ve made some progress. The doctor suggested today that I might look into using an exercise bike or doing water exercises, and since we still have a membership at the Y, I may look into that. Meanwhile, it looks pretty likely that I may have at least one knee replaced next summer, and if that happens, it’s even possible that I could get back to walking — I enjoyed that.

But at the same time, it made me feel a little better today when I thought about the progress I’ve made, sometimes without even noticing it. I wonder how much of life is like that.

About profmondo

Dad, husband, mostly free individual, medievalist, writer, and drummer. "Gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche."
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1 Response to Fun Fact: Wasting Away to Enormous

  1. James says:

    Good job brother. At 6’2 and 515, I ballooned badly after my back surgery in 2013. I need another one so I’m starving to death to drop my weight. I’m down 100lbs and still cheat once a week. Nothing big, just a cone or shake, just to remind me of the good life. Keep up the good work. Check your PM.

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